Friday, August 13, 2010

free Teresa Deion Deion Harris site

please visit the website for Teresa Deion Harris and sign our petition.


Blogger Itiswhatitis said...

I did some research and real soul searching prior to posting these comments in order to make sense. The issue seems to be that she was convicted of felony murder which is automatically attached under TN Law,whether she did it or not b/c it happened in the commision of another felony. Well I disagree with that 16th century law and believe she should have that sentence commuted. But what I do have an issue with, and I haven't read the trial transcripts all the way through yet, is the fact that all the other charges are felonies which carry sentences of a maximum of life in prison anyways and those charges can never be disputed. They include: Auto theft, Kidnapping, Felony Assault, the act of being an accomplice, Abuse of a corpse and arson just to name a few. And lest not forget, the 3 defendants were on their way to committ felony assault on David Hampton, her current ex-boyfreind at the time. We can only assume what would have happened to David if they wouldn't have broken down considering what they did to Mr. Brooks. Now I can't be as crude and ignorant as JB but I have made some very educated points to consider. With that being said I can't and won't sign your petition at this time. Good luck with your efforts Tim

6:47 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Dear Itiswhatitis.
Convictions are not what they seem. Incompetent public defenders, unscrupulous prosecutors, and immature, insecure, inarticulate defendants bring false convictions.
1. Deion knew clearly where David Hampton’s house was and they passed it twice. She did not want a fight and simply refused/pretended not to find the house.
2. She did not know there would be a hijacking and when Walter pulled the gun out she stepped between the gun and the victim to defuse the situation. She failed.
3. She had no power to stop Walter and the boy died accidentally, yes, in a felony of Walter’s own doing, not hers.
4. After the boy was dead she knew she was next. She did what she had to for the next 36 hours until it was safe to turn Walter in to the police
5. Deion is innocent but her lawyers never heard, or asked for, the real story. She was convicted wrongly. The trial transcript tells the prosecutors story, not hers.

Over time, the real story is going to be told. See TV show "Women Behind Bars."

Tim McDonald

1:38 PM  
Blogger littlequeenie29 said...

I am trying this again. The first time my comment did not show up. I watched "Prison Wives" and was quite taken with this story. I don't feel Deion is innocent but feel that her own participation in the crime is such that she has served plenty of time for it. Too many people that have committed horrorific crimes are out walking the streets just waiting to kill again. I do not believe this woman is in that category. If given the chance I think she could be an asset to society. It seems her kids need her now and I pray they can make it past the stigma attached with a mother being labeled a murderer. I do not agree with your comment about bad parenting being the cause of murder. Too many really good families have someone sitting in prison. However I do hope that she is given clemency and allowed to prove herself at this time. I wish my best to the family, especially the kids.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Tell It Like It Is said...

Tim , I so agree with little Queenie 29 as she is right on in my book !!! I think you are an incredible man with so much love in your heart and passion , continue the fight and I too hope you are getting support from friends and people out there that have heard about this story, so much for UNCONDITIONAL love from your family , they were only worried about the family name and what THEY wanted MORE than YOUR own happiness , sounds to me like you have a very selfish family ... talk about fighting for what you believe in , now if Teresa had come from a wealthy family we probably would not even be leaving comments for you today example Ted Kennedy and the woman he left to die because he was a drunk that night , I know its not the same but I think you get the picture !!! I too believe Teresa paid the price for her part in this crime and its time to give her space in prison to someone else , another example of unjust crimes Casey Anthony I could go on forever about this subject but don't wish to bore you or anyone else . I do wish to say one thing though that you may not agree with , please stop with the " It was her childhood that put her behind bars story " NO it was her fear of NOT going along with the program that night period !!!! She was convicted she admitted her part , she paid the price now its time to let her go free and be a productive citizen to be the GOOD mother she has been and to get out there and maybe become a SPEAKER NATION WIDE ...I think she could reach at least SOME of these kids today that NEED

to hear HER story , I do believe SHE could make a difference on the streets of this broken down country WHO allows our kids to RUN OUR STREETS !!! The best to you Tim and YOUR wife Teresa, I do hope the system will give Teresa the freedom she now deserves , after all YOU my friend are correct she had NO choice but to take ORDERS , she paid the price now its time to let her GO . Signed, Tell it like it is

11:55 AM  
Blogger Tim McDonald said...

Thank you for the interest:

I have had several people ask what they can do for Deion. The first thing I would say is write and encourage her:
Teresa Deion Harris 233590
TPW Unit 2 North B 37
3881 Stewarts Lane
Nashville, TN 37218-3302

At this time Deion has just filed a motion for new evidence in the Paris, TN circuit court. Those of you who have seen Women Behind Bars saw Walter Smothers, the killer, admit he considered killing her to hid his crime. Deion knew that at the time but her lawyers never pursued the idea and she was unable to communicate with them. What she was too intimidated and immature to say back then, 18 years ago, sent her to wrongfully to prison for life. A synopsis of the crime should take in to account the personality of the killer and his intent as well as Deion’s personality and intent.
Walter did not intend to kill that boy only to torment him. Deion had seen this before and knew that the worst thing to show a bully like Walter was fear. Dennis Brooks Jr. was frightened and to his demise, pleaded for mercy. This was the opposite of what needed to happen and Deion tried, emphatically and coarsely, to get his to “shut up.” It the boy had “shut up” he would be alive today and Deion would have seen to that. I do not blame the victim but only point out it was a survivable situation and this is not withstanding the nonsense the prosecutor fed the gullible public and jury. While Walter was enjoying tormenting the boy Deion simply waited for her chance, as every battered woman does, to end the episode. But the shotgun went off accidentally and events got out of Walter’s control. He only regained control when he shot the boy dead. From the time of that second shot Deion knew she was next. Her every move was to convince Walter she was “okay” with the killing so he would not kill her to cover the crime. Deion did fool him for 36 hours and it took such things as wearing the boy’s hat to show Walter she was on his side. When police came she got her chance and it was she who told the police the story. Walter threatened her but to no avail. He could no longer physically get to her. At trial he testified to convict her and it was his only way to both avoid the death penalty and to get back at Deion. With the help of the public and prosecutor, Walter came out on top.
After more than a decade with Deion it is still hard for me to understand the mental movement of a woman sexually and physically battered from childhood. Unless you have been in her shoes you do not know what it is. I have tried for ten years to tell her story. I have failed. Even the lawyers I hired failed because Deion herself could not admit the extent of her abuse and dysfunctional manner of her relations with men.
It is a clear fact, Deion tried to save that boy’s life and his death is not at her feet. That she failed to save his life was not her fault. In the end, she could only save her own life. I am proud to be part of it.
For my part, I thank those of you who send me kind words. I wish I had a positive result for all my good intentions. As of now, it is beyond my control. Deion alone must tell her story loudly and forcefully. This is very hard for her to do. She is a very dependent and submissive woman. Prison has not helped this. Write and encourage her. I am doing okay. I have no regrets for marrying her. This is America. The courts are not about truth, but convictions. The socially unacceptable have little chance. But I am not one of America’s willing executioners. RU

Tim McDonald Jackson, TN

2:15 PM  
Blogger Tim McDonald said...

Thank you for the interest:

I have had several people ask what they can do for Deion. The first thing I would say is write and encourage her:
Teresa Deion Harris 233590
TPW Unit 2 North B 37
3881 Stewarts Lane
Nashville, TN 37218-3302

At this time Deion has just filed a motion for new evidence in the Paris, TN circuit court. Those of you who have seen Women Behind Bars saw Walter Smothers, the killer, admit he considered killing her to hid his crime. Deion knew that at the time but her lawyers never pursued the idea and she was unable to communicate with them. What she was too intimidated and immature to say back then, 18 years ago, sent her to wrongfully to prison for life. A synopsis of the crime should take in to account the personality of the killer and his intent as well as Deion’s personality and intent.
Walter did not intend to kill that boy only to torment him. Deion had seen this before and knew that the worst thing to show a bully like Walter was fear. Dennis Brooks Jr. was frightened and to his demise, pleaded for mercy. This was the opposite of what needed to happen and Deion tried, emphatically and coarsely, to get his to “shut up.” It the boy had “shut up” he would be alive today and Deion would have seen to that. I do not blame the victim but only point out it was a survivable situation and this is not withstanding the nonsense the prosecutor fed the gullible public and jury. While Walter was enjoying tormenting the boy Deion simply waited for her chance, as every battered woman does, to end the episode. But the shotgun went off accidentally and events got out of Walter’s control. He only regained control when he shot the boy dead. From the time of that second shot Deion knew she was next. Her every move was to convince Walter she was “okay” with the killing so he would not kill her to cover the crime. Deion did fool him for 36 hours and it took such things as wearing the boy’s hat to show Walter she was on his side. When police came she got her chance and it was she who told the police the story. Walter threatened her but to no avail. He could no longer physically get to her. At trial he testified to convict her and it was his only way to both avoid the death penalty and to get back at Deion. With the help of the public and prosecutor, Walter came out on top.
After more than a decade with Deion it is still hard for me to understand the mental movement of a woman sexually and physically battered from childhood. Unless you have been in her shoes you do not know what it is. I have tried for ten years to tell her story. I have failed. Even the lawyers I hired failed because Deion herself could not admit the extent of her abuse and dysfunctional manner of her relations with men.
It is a clear fact, Deion tried to save that boy’s life and his death is not at her feet. That she failed to save his life was not her fault. In the end, she could only save her own life. I am proud to be part of it.
For my part, I thank those of you who send me kind words. I wish I had a positive result for all my good intentions. As of now, it is beyond my control. Deion alone must tell her story loudly and forcefully. This is very hard for her to do. She is a very dependent and submissive woman. Prison has not helped this. Write and encourage her. I am doing okay. I have no regrets for marrying her. This is America. The courts are not about truth, but convictions. The socially unacceptable have little chance. But I am not one of America’s willing executioners. RU

Tim McDonald Jackson, TN

2:16 PM  
Blogger Jennaj198 said...

Hi Tim, I am writing in regards of how I want to work with you on this. This story has touched my heart. I have two Auto Immune disorders that are attacking my body and basically like AIDS. But I wont die like AIDS kills someone. I am only given another 9 years if I am lucky to live. I want to submit petitions to EVERY Governor in U.S. I want her story out there I believe she has served her time for the crime she has commited. She didn't pull the trigger. But was scared and just obeyed the rules those men put forth to save her own life. Sad she couldn't save his life but 1 life is better then 2 lifes. I had suffered from childhood abuse and neglect. In and out of Juvenile Hall. Glad I met someone at the age of 19 and still with him that's honestly the only reason I am out of trouble and not doing life myself. I wanted to kill my step father. He abused me raped me and molested me. My mom was married to him for 14 years and got a disillusion all because he knew my mom would make more money if they weren't married because she would then be able to collect off of my Dads social security. So he agreed to the disillusion and after it was finalized I confronted him about it and he lied to me and my mom to our faces. He got drunk 2 days later and told my mom about it and he wanted to kill himself and she called the cops and he told the police what he did to me and they took him to the psych ward and nothing came about because it was considered just a "molestation" the story he told the cops differed from what he admitted to my mom. So it was out of the statue of limitations. Which is crap. And If I didn't have the love of my life I would shoot him down still to this day. But this story has touched me and I would like you to email me at to talk more about this and how I can help more in this horrible ordeal. To set her free. She has paid more then enough time for the crime she did commit as in luring the victim but it wasn't her fault she was basically brain washed and threatened and scared for her own life. I want to help. She needs to be with you and her kids.

4:12 AM  
Blogger Tiffany said...

I find it incredibly hard to believe that she's guilty. She just seemed genuine, and her story is one any battered woman knows well. My heart aches for her.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Tim McDonald said...

Thank you Tiffany,
Yes, battered women know Deion's story only too well, and you are right, she is innocent. But worse than innocent, she actually tried to help the boy survive the episode. Had the victim "shut up" as she advised him, he would be alive today, and this says nothing of her stepping between the shot gun muzzle nad the victim.
The comments I get regarding Deion's guilt assume our legal system is just and fair. Only a fool believes a killer, Walter, will not lie to save his own life. Only a fool believes a prosecutor will not encourage lying to get a conviction. America is the criminal here, not Deion.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am praying for you and your wife. I signed the petition and I hope she gets free someday soon.

10:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm just following the story. No comments as of yet.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I’m watching the episode now 2019 and wonder what happened. Are you still together? Did she made it out of prison?
I believe that she already paid enough and deserves a second chance. I would love an update.

10:33 PM  

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