Of Mothers Of Children of Razor Topped Fences
Excited greetings surround the five. The man and wife in their sixties are parents of the attractive thirty-year old woman. The boy twelve, the girl eleven, of different fathers are obviously children to the young mother in blue denim trousers and jacket. The shortened hugs and kisses dodge around the grandmother who is in a wheel chair. The blond young mother is the center of attention. It is she who's trouser legs state in white letters: TN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS, the standard uniform for inmates.
There are sixteen tables and four are empty. It is twelve-thirty and past second count. Thirteen women of near four hundred will have visitors today. A table is selected and additional chairs brought up. Drew and Savannah are seated on each side of their mother. They shout the word "Mom" with pent-up ecstasy. It is a common endearment denied these children except for this monthly week-end pilgrimage, now in its seventh year.
"Deion," says Grandpa as he produces the institutional debit card, "The kids have been real good." With this mom takes the kids to the vending machines. The Correctional Officer's gaze is only slightly interested as they slowly cross the worn gymnasium floor. A certain touching, finger hair-combing, is tacitly allowed mom as she waits for the snacks and soda to vend. She may try to linger and prolong the moment but eventually they must sit back down. A holiday air sets in as Pepsi cans open and Baby Ruths are unwrapped. The plastic table's poor fare could pass for a King's feast given the joy it brings.
Mom begins rituals by giving praise to each child in turn for their school grades. Each sibling excitedly reviews the minute detail of tests, schoolmates, and episodes since their last visit. The children's incautious voices contrast to the careful words of their mother as the C.O.s look on or listen as they choose.
Grandma inquires about Deion's roommate whom she regards as another daughter in spite of never seeing her in the free world. Deion lowers her voice to confirm that Tammy's gall bladder is still painful. Wilma nods and accepts the idea of misery and helplessness as life's entitlement for some people. Tammy is promised a separate visit when the weather warms up. Wilma apologizes for her crippling arthritis then obliquely comments on the absence of heat in the gym. She echoes Billy's praise for children and states that "Drew fixes me breakfast near every day."
The good behavior of the children paves the path for their aspirations. The Queenly inmate presides over hearings as each child's goal, hope, and petition is brought forth. Deion asks questions of her parents and mediates discussion between children and grandparents. Soon Drew's bowling and sports schedule is outlined. Equipment will have to be purchased. Next comes Savannah's hopes for cheerleader. Baton lessons and gymnastics enter the conversation. There is always the subject of money and "Who'll take them to their practice?" The boy sees fit to exert his superior age and size by commenting on any detail he can. Grandparents accept mom's superior role and defer to her judgment while silently knowing it is they who must execute her plans. As the discussion of the kid's activities deepens mom's brow becomes furrowed and her voice demanding as she fights for her children's needs. Savannah’s lessons will cost her a week’s prison wages. There will be less money for clothes. Finally resolution is reached, Deion relaxes, and the children turn to her for games and play.
The gymnasium visitation area is not well stocked with playthings. Mother and son begin playing scissors, rock, paper. The petit blond girl swings her feet on the plastic lawn chair and contemplates her future on the rally squad. Soon Deion directs her attention to Savannah and the burly Drew wanders over to visit a family at another table. He is no stranger here and there are friends of common bond for this unique group of citizens. The C.O.s overlook the forbidden shift of tables for a boy of twelve. Without her brother's competition the shy girl turns bubbly and playful as mom's poking hands elicit giggles and squeals.
As visitation closing draws near the three-hour family bonding takes a melancholy tinge. Deion's hands, never in her lap, always rubbing her children, grow greedy for more touching. Grandparents look on thoughtfully, pleased to have given life once more to their own imprisoned girl. Only the children's joy eases the pain and remorse. When the guard calls out, "visitation's over" a small girl's eyes fill with tears. She bravely holds them back. The gregarious boy is oblivious to pain. In a manful stance he holds his head high, shunning his own feelings. Mom gives a parting hug and kiss which is allowed if conforming to public standards. Furtively, Deion makes a quick last minute demand; "Who loves who the most." Drew and Savannah reply dutifully "I love you the most." "No, I love you more," quips mom. Then the spell is broken and the Queen resumes her lifelong role as society's lowest. She joins her fellow prisoners against the cinderblock wall.
All smiles and waves, the women in denim with that white stripe begin filing into the departure room to be stripped naked and searched for contraband. The guard radio's the front security station, "Four freeworlds coming over," and motions the family to leave. Deion's father pushes his wife's wheelchair through the aging gymnasium door. Virtually out of habit he muses self-consciously "If we could have afforded a lawyer," and the children pass between razor topped fences to silently exit their mother's home.
Excited greetings surround the five. The man and wife in their sixties are parents of the attractive thirty-year old woman. The boy twelve, the girl eleven, of different fathers are obviously children to the young mother in blue denim trousers and jacket. The shortened hugs and kisses dodge around the grandmother who is in a wheel chair. The blond young mother is the center of attention. It is she who's trouser legs state in white letters: TN DEPT OF CORRECTIONS, the standard uniform for inmates.
There are sixteen tables and four are empty. It is twelve-thirty and past second count. Thirteen women of near four hundred will have visitors today. A table is selected and additional chairs brought up. Drew and Savannah are seated on each side of their mother. They shout the word "Mom" with pent-up ecstasy. It is a common endearment denied these children except for this monthly week-end pilgrimage, now in its seventh year.
"Deion," says Grandpa as he produces the institutional debit card, "The kids have been real good." With this mom takes the kids to the vending machines. The Correctional Officer's gaze is only slightly interested as they slowly cross the worn gymnasium floor. A certain touching, finger hair-combing, is tacitly allowed mom as she waits for the snacks and soda to vend. She may try to linger and prolong the moment but eventually they must sit back down. A holiday air sets in as Pepsi cans open and Baby Ruths are unwrapped. The plastic table's poor fare could pass for a King's feast given the joy it brings.
Mom begins rituals by giving praise to each child in turn for their school grades. Each sibling excitedly reviews the minute detail of tests, schoolmates, and episodes since their last visit. The children's incautious voices contrast to the careful words of their mother as the C.O.s look on or listen as they choose.
Grandma inquires about Deion's roommate whom she regards as another daughter in spite of never seeing her in the free world. Deion lowers her voice to confirm that Tammy's gall bladder is still painful. Wilma nods and accepts the idea of misery and helplessness as life's entitlement for some people. Tammy is promised a separate visit when the weather warms up. Wilma apologizes for her crippling arthritis then obliquely comments on the absence of heat in the gym. She echoes Billy's praise for children and states that "Drew fixes me breakfast near every day."
The good behavior of the children paves the path for their aspirations. The Queenly inmate presides over hearings as each child's goal, hope, and petition is brought forth. Deion asks questions of her parents and mediates discussion between children and grandparents. Soon Drew's bowling and sports schedule is outlined. Equipment will have to be purchased. Next comes Savannah's hopes for cheerleader. Baton lessons and gymnastics enter the conversation. There is always the subject of money and "Who'll take them to their practice?" The boy sees fit to exert his superior age and size by commenting on any detail he can. Grandparents accept mom's superior role and defer to her judgment while silently knowing it is they who must execute her plans. As the discussion of the kid's activities deepens mom's brow becomes furrowed and her voice demanding as she fights for her children's needs. Savannah’s lessons will cost her a week’s prison wages. There will be less money for clothes. Finally resolution is reached, Deion relaxes, and the children turn to her for games and play.
The gymnasium visitation area is not well stocked with playthings. Mother and son begin playing scissors, rock, paper. The petit blond girl swings her feet on the plastic lawn chair and contemplates her future on the rally squad. Soon Deion directs her attention to Savannah and the burly Drew wanders over to visit a family at another table. He is no stranger here and there are friends of common bond for this unique group of citizens. The C.O.s overlook the forbidden shift of tables for a boy of twelve. Without her brother's competition the shy girl turns bubbly and playful as mom's poking hands elicit giggles and squeals.
As visitation closing draws near the three-hour family bonding takes a melancholy tinge. Deion's hands, never in her lap, always rubbing her children, grow greedy for more touching. Grandparents look on thoughtfully, pleased to have given life once more to their own imprisoned girl. Only the children's joy eases the pain and remorse. When the guard calls out, "visitation's over" a small girl's eyes fill with tears. She bravely holds them back. The gregarious boy is oblivious to pain. In a manful stance he holds his head high, shunning his own feelings. Mom gives a parting hug and kiss which is allowed if conforming to public standards. Furtively, Deion makes a quick last minute demand; "Who loves who the most." Drew and Savannah reply dutifully "I love you the most." "No, I love you more," quips mom. Then the spell is broken and the Queen resumes her lifelong role as society's lowest. She joins her fellow prisoners against the cinderblock wall.
All smiles and waves, the women in denim with that white stripe begin filing into the departure room to be stripped naked and searched for contraband. The guard radio's the front security station, "Four freeworlds coming over," and motions the family to leave. Deion's father pushes his wife's wheelchair through the aging gymnasium door. Virtually out of habit he muses self-consciously "If we could have afforded a lawyer," and the children pass between razor topped fences to silently exit their mother's home.
Forget the growing up normally. Her son is in prison now, too. Geez, people are stupid.
Her Daughter isn't.... wait, did you even know she had one? or did you realize that talking about her daughter doing well in life might make your insults look "stupid"... :)
I Love visiting my mother :) and if you knew anything of her prison history you would know that she will never lose her rights to see me. She has helped me more than all the people such as yourself have.
God Bless You Both...
Deion's Daughter
I'm quite drawn to continue reading this after stumbling upon it. I have not read about Deion's crime that landed her prison but I feel like the ignorant comments left here are a reflection of what's not right here in America. Deion's life as a child was probably what started her on this downward path that ended in her being imprisoned. To Savannah... I'm certain your mother is very proud of you. Your posts exude a strong and confident girl who is so much more mature than the silly backwoods folks posting the ignorant comments on this blog. That strength is direct reflection of your mother and it sounds like she is trying hard to be the best mother she can be considering her predicament. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Stay strong......
I haven't read the entire court case against Deion, however, it appears to me that her childhood and the abuse and neglect that happened to her is what led to her steps in prison. Maybe the President can give her immunity when he is voted out of office as I doubt Obama will win another term. I do feel like Deione has learned her lessons and can contribute to society. We as a society have to break the cycles of abuse - it has to STOP. So many of you stick your heads in the sand and pretend you see nothing when abuse is happening right in front of you. My mother died when I was 6 years old, then my little brother and an uncle. I was also molested as a child several times by many people including a stepgrandfather - yet I am a very strong person and have overcome so much. I am grateful to God and to my life. I believe Deion should be given another chance. For those of you who are judging her harshly, do not throw stones when you live in a glass house. My prayers are with you Deion and with you Savannah and your family. Stay strong. Ignore the ignorant and negative remarks that some people will leave here - focus on God and positive things. ...Kimberly
Hello Tim & Deion,
You dont know me but I saw the show on cable, "prisonwives" and I thought I'd make a suggestion that perhaps your attorney can submit to the Governor. If you both consented to permanently emmigrate out of Tennessee to another state or even another country, would they consider releasing Deion from prison? Just a thought that might never have been tried or only rarely. (I know that would be a radical strategy but under the circumstances you never know. Also my motive for writing you is based upon my Christian convictions to support marriage. I admire people who are devoted to each other.)
God bless You,
I dont believe any of us have the right to pass judgement on Deion.I am an ex-drug addict have been in prison most of my life and have now been clean and sober for 2 yrs I am currently going to college and majoring in Substance Abuse Counseling.People can change ,I do believe she should recieve Clemency.No matter what crime she has been convicted for I dont believe she intentionally commited that crime I have read the case and of course there has to be some punishment for her being there but I dont believe she planned that crime.I truly do pray for Savvanah Tim and her son Drew.That one day they be reunited with the mother the wife and person they need most in their life...God Bless Yall and I will keep yall in Prayers Leticia Lopez Morales,San Antonio Texas
This is to Carrol Co for the comment she wrote:
It’s obvious you’re a very angry person. And it’s unfortunate that you see life in black and white. Seems like maybe you should look into some volunteer programs and get an idea of what life is really about. From your statement it seems you just don’t have a clue how the world works. Nor are you aware of the unfortunate things that happen to young women living in poverty and suffering abuse. It’s ashame that there are so many ignorant and narrow minded people. If those same people would go out and try to make a difference by volunteering and helping other instead of spouting hate and anger the world would be a much better place.
I saw the episode on Prison Wives, and I did not realize how awful a childhood Deion had until I read your blog. I think that Deion was a young unstable woman lost because of sexual abuse and influenced by drugs and alcohol and I don't think she should be punished for the rest of her life because she did what she was brought up to do and she just listened to the man that she was with...I can see her side and she deserves clemency. I am sad to hear that she has exhausted all her appeals. I don't know how people can be so judgemental if they never walked in her shoes.
this girl stood out on the side of the road acting like her car was broke down, as bait, hoping someone would drive by (which they did) so her buddies could jump him & shoot him in the hip. then they chopped him up while he was alive. are you kidding me? let her out? you people are nuts. oh yeah, and the community that so called wanted her in jail "not for justice but for vengenance" wellll...i live in it. and i dont want people like her running around. she killed someone! i'm sure people like jeffery dahmer had a pretty screwed up childhood too but it ain't no reason to kill someone! you kill someone then you should spend your life in jail. period. is anyone thinking about the poor guy who died? where's his sympathy? where's his justice? i dont care WHAT happens in your childhood, you gotta take responsibility for your actions. maybe she shoulda been home with her kids instead running around with them hoodlums and she wouldnt be where she is now. everyone makes mistakes, yes, but not everyone should be granted a second chance. where is dennis brooks jr. second chance? he ain't got one so neither should she.
I have comments from
Carroll Co.,
Anthony Stanley,
and JB, elsewhere. Are these all the same person and the brother of the victim? Be so kind as to indentify yourself.
"chopped him up while alive"? Please don't mis-represent the victims story. It is clearly established he was shot in a 3 to 9 minute time frame by Walter Smothers. The abuse was to a corpse.
Tim McDonald
Why do you permit the comments like "Carroll Co" who obviously grew up in that inbred, insignificant community. I saw the episode featuring Dion and yourself and give you a lot of credit. I too met my current fiancee online and she is doing time in prison, a long time. I therefore, know exactly what you go through on a daily basis; waiting for phone calls because she can't call you, the constant supervision in the visiting room, feeling guilty when you eat anice meal, yet experience excitment when Dion tells you she had a good day. God bless both of you, there aren't to many guys in our situation. Don't let those hick small-town inbreds get you down.
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